Interesting Green inventions:
Best Green Blogs is the web’s largest directory of green and sustainable themed weblogs. Writers from all over the world are publishing articles and stories dealing with a wide variety of topics dealing with environmental issues and green living; and Best Green Blogs is an attempt to capture some of that independent publishing spirit.
Wasup washing machine uses its water for your toilet
This Wasup concept is a combo of a washing machine and a toilet, reusing the water that cleans the clothes in the washer to flush the toilet. It's a smart idea, as no one cares what's in the water they're about to pee into. It therefore conserves lots of water that would normally just be flushed away.
It's also smart in that it saves space for apartment dwellers, sticking the washing machine above the toilet and saving the floor space that the appliance usually takes up. Of course, you'd worry about dropping your clean clothes in the toilet, but as long as you're careful and coordinated this looks like a pretty great idea that I could see many people wanting.
This is the E Bikeboard S500 made by Switzerland based company Swiss Bike Board, now you may be thinking what makes this so spectacular? Well it’s quite simple; this machine can be used on land, sea and snow, but it more importantly this little thing will get you around the roads and streets of where you live.
One thing about eco-friendly ideas today is that they come up with unique ideas to enhance what going green is all about. One of these inventions that people have produced is the Uno Electric Cycle. Now we all know that electric powered vehicles are becoming a good alternative towards the growing fuel crisis but the twist here the you will notice is that it run on one wheel.
This gives you information on everything, food, clothing, events, printing, furniture, services, appliances, etc...
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