Wednesday, November 5, 2008

This was no joke or acting stunt. It was what actually happened on a quiet Friday afternoon in Lund, a small university town in southern Sweden where “The History of Sex,” an exhibition of photographs by the New York artist Andres Serrano, had opened two weeks earlier.

Around 3:30, half an hour before closing, four vandals wearing black masks stormed into a space known as the Kulturen Gallery while shouting in Swedish, “We don’t support this,” plus an expletive. They pushed visitors aside, entered a darkened room where some of the photographs were displayed and began smashing the glass protecting the photographs and then hacking away at the prints.

The bumpy video, evidently shot with a hand-held camera by someone who ran into the gallery with the attackers, intersperses images of the Serrano photographs with lettered commentary in Swedish like “This is art?” before showing the vandals at work.

No guards were on duty in the gallery, said Viveca Ohlsson, the show’s curator, although security videos captured much of the incident.

“There was one woman who works at the gallery who tried to stop them until she saw the axes and crowbars,” Ms. Ohlsson said. “These men are dangerous.”

By the time the masked men had finished, half the show — seven 50-by-60-inch photographs, worth some $200,000 over all — had been destroyed. The men left behind leaflets reading, “Against decadence and for a healthier culture.” The fliers listed no name or organization.

“I was shocked and horrified,” Mr. Serrano said in a telephone interview yesterday from New York. “I never expected something like this, especially in this magical town, which is so sweet I joked about it being like something out of Harry Potter.”

Go to the site if you would like to read the entire article.  You may google search some of the images that were in this exhibition.  I did not post them as not to offend any readers.

Why I researched Andres Serrano ( Cuban born) was because it is hard finding artwork about "religion."  I am finding a lot of images portraying religion but I am not finding many images about how people feel respond interact with religion.  I hope to find more besides Serrano's famous "Piss Christ." ( An image shown in 1987 which you may also google if you are interestedSerrano created "Piss Christ" in 1987. in seeing a larger image and reading the story.)  Is this art? It is obviously offensive.  Is one offensive piece enough to make you (in)famous?


Yogyakarta, July 27 - August 2, 2001
"ACAA collaborated with the Keluargatuk Art House held a visual arts 'Spiritual Arts Exhibition 2001' on July 27 - August 2, 2001 which took place at the Affandi Museum, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 
This exhibition is held in conjunction with the 13th Yogyakarta Art Festival and especially also to welcome the Executive Committee Meeting of the Asian Christian Art Association which should have done in Yogyakarta on July 26th, 2001 to 29th, 2001. The meeting itself is postponed to December 2001. This inter-religious art exhibition which involving artists from various background of religions and places in Indonesia, China, Malaysia, India and Australia was well received by the public, art communities and the press."
Holy Family
Tree of Desire, by Kaji Habeb - IndonesiaTree of Desire
Mary and Christ
As you will see in probably my next few blog posts I am going to be focusing on religion.  I hope to set aside my own thoughts on the subject and educate myself before forming any definite position.  Religion is such a vast controversial topic I am sure I will always be learning more especially since I hope to tackle as many religions as possible without spending to little time on any of them.  Like these images the wide spread/acknowledgment of religion in general is very interesting.  Could it be said that the concept of religion is universal.?

My previous images are aesthetically beautiful and I found them while trying to look for images related to the environmental crisis.  It made me wonder who should artist speak out about global warming. I found many artist who just took  loads of beautiful images.  Is this enough? Or do people no to see some sort of "fear factor" to help us realize what is on the line.?

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Environment

the G2 galleryExhibits
Sep 18–Nov 30

"A Life Well Lived: 40 Years in the Making"
Robert Glenn Ketchum  
